Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Gearing up for CANADA DAY!!

I was asked to do a creative session downtown during the festivities for Canada Day, sponsored by the Campbell River Art Gallery. This is one of my favourite days, what with people milling about spilling great energy everywhere, so of course I agreed! There is always a lot a lot of buzz and fun things happening in every city and town on this day and just knowing that seems to bring a sense of connectedness to the rest of the nation as we are all celebrating together, and it reminds us that what makes this country so great is its people.  I'm proud to be Canadian!

Coming up with an idea that is quick and easy and fun and feasible for a crowd was the challenge.  

Well what could be more fun than Pinwheels? Plus, you can wave them about!

The pattern - this can be printed off on white paper.
Alternatively the square is 7 1/2" - slots are cut from the corners in towards the middle, 3 1/2" long

White paper (ordinary computer paper)
Red paper (same kind as white, but red)
Red ink pad
Stamps with maple leaf 
Straws - sturdy paper straws work best (I picked these up at the dollar store)
Pipe cleaners - red or white (cut in half)
Hole punch 
Pin tool 

I made my own stamps out of chunks of rubber by carving a maple leaf logo with an xacto knife.  A stencil of a maple leaf would work as well.  Or simply paint or draw on the paper.  The creative mind can improvise.  I also used acrylic paint here but for a crowd I think an ink pad will work better.

Print the pattern off on white paper.  Tuck the red paper behind the white and then cut the slots and punch the holes through both papers.

Stamp designs on the white paper with red ink or paint

Use a pin tool (or other sharp object) to put a small hole in the end of the straw, about 1/4 - 1/2 inch from the end.  Put a hole in the middle of the white and the red paper as well.

Take a pipe cleaner and put it through the hole in the straw and then through both pieces of paper.  

Wrap the end of the pipe cleaner in a spiral behind the straw to hold it in place

Take the hole punched sections of both papers and bring them to the centre so they fit over the pipe cleaner. 

 Wrap the pipe cleaner in a small spiral to hold the paper in place.  

And now you're done!! So go out and wave them about and celebrate!