Friday, December 16, 2016

SNOW PEOPLE Extraordinaire!

This Super Saturday project was so much fun!  Look how many ways can you bring personality to a sock!

 And they all seem to be so happy!

Some had sweaters

Some had shawls

Sunglasses and attitude


Colour and character!

A snow person in a pouch!

And one very very PINK snow person!

This was very easy and a great deal of fun.  Nothing complicated here.  

Supplies = Socks, rice, elastic bands, buttons, foam craft sheets or felt or markers for adding faces and embellishments, hot glue

I found several easy step by step instructions for these on Pinterest and adjusted them suit our needs.  

Monday, October 24, 2016

Super Saturday Fun - Painting Ceramic Pumpkin Pots

Simple fun.  I pinched some paper clay pots and bisque fired them for Super Saturday kids to paint.  

No instructions were given except .... over there you have some paint, here are some ceramic pumpkins, pick whichever one you like, over there are some brushes.  

Let's get painting!  

The results were pretty amazing!!