Monday, July 11, 2016

Dream Catchers

For Good Dreams

"The night air is filled with dreams. Good dreams are clear and know the way to the dreamer, descending through the feathers. The slightest movement of the feathers indicated the passage of yet another beautiful dream. Bad dreams, however, are confused and confusing. They cannot find their way through the web and are trapped there until the sun rises and evaporates them like the morning dew". -

Start off with plastic lids - cut out the centre with an exacto knife and use the remaining rim

Gather up some string/yarn, beads, feathers and other trinkets

Wrap the lid ring with yarn/string - the variations are endless! 

We doubled the yarn to make this process a little quicker.  

Simply tie off and tuck the ends in under the wrapped yarn. 

Next, wrap another colour yarn/string around the outer edges of the ring to create a web in the middle of it.  Be careful not to pull this too taunt or the ring will warp.

Tie on yarn/string of different lengths to hang from the bottom of the circle and add beads and feather to them.  Tie on some charms or keys or bells or twigs - whatever you can find. 

Busy hands and busy minds, this group was utterly focused!

Hang above your bed and enjoy good dreams!