Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Full Body Tracings

What could be more fun than your very own doppelgänger? 

I keep coming back to this project because it is such a rewarding experience.  Everyone enjoys a collective energy in making, and there is sheer delight with the outcome.  I could do this every day!   

This activity starts off identifying with the self in a physical way, copying the image you know as you, but quickly turns into a reflection of personality and character.

All you need is big paper, pencils, glue sticks and tissue paper.  Tissue paper comes in so many colours making every clothing option and hair colour possible.  Plus it adds a great texture to the work.

Simply lay down on the paper and pose how you like while someone traces around your body with a pencil - careful it can be a bit ticklish.  

Use a glue stick to apply glue to one area at a time. Cut or tear tissue paper and stick it down on top of the glue and move on to the next area. 

Don't worry about gluing inside the lines, any excess tissue will be cut away when the figure is cut out afterwards.

The floor is the best work space for this.

There were those who chose to creatively colour their person.

Some wonderful characters emerged!!

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