Monday, February 22, 2016

Clay fish

Paper clay is so great to work with, especially so for those who are new to clay.  

Paper clay is simply clay that has been incorporated with paper. I generally make it myself, from bits and scraps of clay and toilet paper, however, the clay used here was purchased from the potter's supply.

The great thing about paper clay is that it wants to bind to itself and so attaching elements with just a little water works quite well and pieces stick together really well. Another good thing about paper clay is that it rarely cracks when drying and doesn't require special attention during the drying process.   

We started by drawing a fish shape onto a piece of paper.  Next, place it on rolled out clay and cut around it - twice.

Lay one shape over the other and pinch around the edges, leaving the bottom open.

Next, stuff newspaper from the bottom, in between the two fish shapes, to give it some shape and volume. This will help it to stand up as well.

After that, its simply about adding details and giving your fish some character.

Allow to dry and then paint with acrylic paints if desired.

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