Monday, March 14, 2016

Box Tape Shoes

This Super Saturday project was inspired by the annual event "Walk Away From Racism" held each March in Campbell River.  This year a tapestry of shoes will be displayed at the community centre and participants are asked to bring a representation of a shoe to be part of this temporary exhibit.

We created individualized shoes by wrapping our feet with box tape.  

First wrap with the sticky side out - then wrap again with the sticky side down.   

Cut the tape to release the foot, then tape it back up where the cut was made.  Now you can shape it by cutting and taping elements to form your type of shoe. 

Next, add your own touches using a different materials by simply taping them to the tape shoe.  We used tissue paper, coloured electrical tape, buttons, wool strands, pom poms, and yes..... we used the dreaded glitter!

Anything you find that can be taped down will work.  Possibilities are endless.  No need to use glitter.  I reiterate, there is never really any need to use glitter.  Ever!  

"Walk Away From Racism" takes place Saturday, March 19, 2016, at the Campbell River Community Centre from 10:30am-2pm

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