Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Birds and Nests Collage with Grade 1

A Fun Afternoon with Mrs. Clayton's Grade 1 Class

Visiting a Grade 1 class is always a delight!  Busy hands and busy minds going in all directions.  Mrs. Clayton's Grade 1 students at Royston Elementary were enthusiastic to say the least.  

We began by painting a blue sky background on heavy paper and while that was drying we cut out some of our collage materials.  Birds were from bright coloured paper.  For wings and tail feathers we used patterned papers and other miscellaneous material (fabric will work too). The branches and nests were cut from paper bags.  Newspaper was cut up to use for nest material along with straw and grass pieces and wool bits.  I even had some old sheet music we used to add a song to the composition.  And we used buttons for the eyes.  

Once the paint was dry the glue sticks sprung into action.

This was a super fun project!  I knew it would be when I saw how fascinated these students were with all the different materials. The process was much like building and they took to it quite naturally.

These works are fantastic in my books.  Seeing them just makes me feel joyful.  In fact as I'm writing this I can hear the morning birds outside chirping and it made me realize how  well these young artists captured their winsome spirit but also gave these birds some personality. 

Original idea and credits to:

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