Monday, July 6, 2015

MONOTYPE PRINTMAKING with Summertime Flora

Every second Saturday you can come down to the Campbell River Art Gallery studio and join me in some free art making - from 1-3 pm.

Not many showed up this past Saturday and I'm sure its due to the stinking hot weather, but we did have a few.  I should mention how cool and comfortable it is in the air conditioned studio.

Kids love printmaking.  Maybe it the mystery factor - their eyes seem to widen when it comes time for the reveal.  Of course I make a big deal of it too because I'm also excited. And since there is little control over the end result you really can't wait to see it!

While building your plate you have an idea of composition and placement of elements and colours, but then you must consider that you are working in reverse and that not all of what you put down will transfer in that exact way.  But hey, doesn't everyone love surprises?

There are so many ways to approach monotype printmaking. Here we used acrylic paints instead of ink.  Ink works better but also dries quicker so you have to work faster.  

We put down some background colours on plastic place mats, using brayers.  Then we rolled or brushed paint onto leaves and flowers and placed them down on the same mat. 

Then, we lightly sprayed the entire surface with water to re-dampen any dry areas.  Finally, we placed heavy paper down on top of it all and pressed. 

And then, the reveal!

Sure, it was a bit messy.......

.......but whole lot of fun!!

Plus, I really love hearing "I'm gonna try this at home"

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