Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pine Cone Bird Feeders

This past Super Saturday we made bird feeders from pine cones, bird seed and honey.  A simple process and a wonderful fall activity. Did I mention that fall is my absolute favourite season? Finding pine cones was easy, they're just there, on the ground, all I had to do was pick some up whenever I went walking with the dog.  And there's nothing like a fall walk. If there is time for outdoor activities this sort of scavenger hunt adds a fun element to the process.   

Once you drizzle the pine cone with honey the birdseed will stick to it.  And sure it was a big sticky mess…. but it was worth it!  We added some flair to this project by incorporating sticks to act as perches and leaves to catch seeds, or just as visual elements. 

As always, the best part was tapping into the minds of children (and adults) and watching them develop ideas.  There was a lot of talk about birds regarding what they might like and how they would get at the food, then incorporating those details when making the feeders.  

The amazing results 

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